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Well this isn't a script, its a movie casting on characters and actors who should play their respective parts. Not a huge casting but the main players plus new ones, don't need too many in a Batman movie and of course Batman is still on the run and this adaptation is to round off the Bale/Nolan trilogy. We have Bruce on the run with Gotham PD taking chase because of Two-Face. The story starts off with Deadshot and Deathstroke The Terminator being hired to take Bats down at any cost by different mystery benefactors that come into play later on in the film, but obviously Deathstroke and Deadshot keep getting into each others way and spend more time fighting each other than actually getting The Bat. Of course The Riddler and or Black Mask should be in this movie too and play a very important part of the story, more Black Mask and less Riddler (Edward Nigma more in the background for a good chuck of the movie). Batman: Shadow of the Bat should also have Barbara Gordon play a much bigger role in Nolanverse but not as Batgirl, save that for later Batman movies and no to Robin you'll be pleased to hear, well enjoy...
For a wider range of Batman characters check out and click this = BATMAN: ARKHAM ASYLUM THE MOVIE
These are the characters in Batman: Shadow of the Bat below for the Batman 3 sequel. First starting off with of course Christian Bale as Batman (Bruce Wayne). Christian Bale as Batman:
Batman's secret identity is Bruce Wayne, a billionaire playboy, industrialist, and philanthropist. Having witnessed the murder of his parents as a child, he swore revenge on crime, an oath tempered with the greater ideal of justice. Bruce trains himself both physically and intellectually and dons a bat-themed costume in order to fight crime. Batman operates in Gotham City. Christian Bale is Batman, well he is for Batman 3 anyway and fingers crossed a Worlds finest crossover movie with Brandon Routh too. After that though who knows, but for now there is no one better for the role. Tom Hardy as Deadshot:
Within the DC Universe, Deadshot is often a hired assassin, regularly boasting to "never miss." He is capable of using a large variety of weapons, but is most frequently portrayed as using a pair of silenced, wrist-mounted guns. He initially appears in Gotham City as a new crimefighter, but is revealed to be an enemy of Batman when he attempts to replace the Dark Knight. He is sent to jail when Batman and Commissioner Gordon publicly expose his plot to become the king of Gotham's underworld. After serving his term, Deadshot begins hiring his services out as an assassin, changing his costume from the top coat and tails he previously wore to a red jumpsuit and distinctive metal face plate with a targeting device on the right side. He has been a major figure in the Suicide Squad in its latest two incarnations, where his skills as a marksman and his disregard for human life serve to greatly further the group's objectives. Hardy not only can act, he is so Deadshot it's unbelievable, he has the look, the attitude, and the acting skills to pull it off this gem of a role off! A very underrated actor that would shine through this. Just check out the movie Bronsan to see what i mean, can not think of anyone even close to the role of Deadshot but him. Stephen Lang as Deathstroke The Terminator:
Imbued with enhanced physical powers by secret army experiments attempting to create metahuman supersoldiers for the U.S. military, Deathstroke the Terminator (called simply "Terminator" for the first 11 years of his publication history) became a mercenary soon after the experiment when he defied orders and rescued his friend Wintergreen, who had been sent on a suicide mission by a commanding officer with a grudge. However, he kept this career secret from his family, even though his wife was an expert military combat instructor - indeed, she had been responsible for a significant portion of his early training - until a criminal named the Jackal kidnapped his younger son, Joseph, as a hostage to force Slade to divulge the name of a client who had hired him as an assassin. Slade refused to do so, claiming that it was against his personal honor code, and attacked and killed the kidnappers at the rendezvous. Unfortunately, Joseph's throat was slashed by one of the criminals before Slade could prevent it, destroying his vocal cords and rendering him mute. After taking Joseph to the hospital, Slade's wife Adeline, enraged at his endangerment of her son, tried to kill Slade by shooting him, but only managed to destroy his right eye. Afterward, his confidence in his physical abilities was such that he made no secret of his impaired vision, marked by his mask which has a black featureless half covering his lost eye. Without his mask, Slade wears an eyepatch. I'm so glad i didn't get beat with this casting by anyone as i see no other but Lang playing Wilson. As soon as i saw him in Avatar i thought Deathstroke, i sorta had a Deathstroke pick but no way near the quality of this one and many a times i've thought of an actor for a character and have been beaten only because i take my time on them castings lol and the pictures don't help lmao, but anyways a hell yes to Stephen Lang for Slade Wilson, i can't see anyone else coming close! Johnny Depp as The Riddler:
The Riddler is obsessed with riddles, puzzles, and word games. He delights in forewarning both Batman and the police of his capers by sending them complex clues. With this self-conscious use of a gimmick, the Riddler's crimes are flamboyant and ostentatious. The character is often depicted as wearing a domino mask either with a green suit and bowler hat, or a green jumpsuit. A black or purple question mark serves as his visual motif. Since the animated series and the film Batman Forever, Riddler often carries a trick "question mark" cane. The Riddler is Edward Nigma and its gotta be Johnny Depp. Talent alone would make him one of the greatest on screen Riddler's ever, if not the best ever. Yeah no shock here, he is The Riddler, a bit darker and twisted, he'd own the part! Guy Pearce as Black Mask:
Sionis found he had an amazing aptitude for crime, and he soon had a large gang working for him. Calling them the False Face Society, the one requirement was that all members must select a mask from his collection and wear it at all times when on the job and in his presence. They were successfully gaining power in the Gotham underworld, until Black Mask decided it was time to take his revenge on Bruce Wayne. He began kidnapping Wayne Enterprises executives, putting masks on their faces that were coated in the deadly make-up once made by Janus Cosmetics. He also targeted Circe and forcibly disfigured her with the chemicals in order to force her to reunite with him. Circe would ultimately kill herself, leading Black Mask to replace her with a mannequin that he talked to as if it were a real person. These kidnappings drew Batman's attention, and he began hunting down the False Facers. He slowly began to dismantle the organization until he finally found Black Mask in the ruins of the Sionis Family home. Black Mask lit the wreckage on fire trying to escape, but was caught in the burning house. Batman was able to save him, but the mask had been burned onto his face and left him disfigured. Well i did have Mark Strong for the role but it seems he's likely to have the part of Sinestro in Green Lantern. So i was in a bit of a fix of who could actually be as good or if not better and i come to the conclusion of Guy Pearce. He probably would own the role more with such films as: The Adventures of Priscilla, Queen of the Desert, L.A. Confidential, Memento, The Hurt Locker, The Road and so on, with the diverse roles of the characters he's played, he would make make a quality, if not the best Black Mask. Michael Caine as Alfred Pennyworth:
Alfred has been the Wayne family butler all of Bruce's life, and had helped his master establish his superhero career from the beginning. In addition he was Bruce's legal guardian following the deaths of his parents. No brainer, Michael Caine all the way. Gary Oldman as Jim Gordon:
Jim Gordon was transferred back to the city after spending more than fifteen years in Chicago. A man of integrity, Gordon found that his only ally against the mob-controlled administration was the Batman. One of the most significant differences in this version is that Batman is never deputized and Gordon's relationship with him is kept out of the public eye whenever possible. It was also added that he was a Special Forces veteran who is capable in hand-to-hand combat. He is depicted as having an extra-marital affair with a fellow detective, Sarah Essen, due to friction in his marriage. Essen and Gordon correctly deduce Batman's true identity, but are unable (and in Gordon's case, unwilling) to prove it. Gary Oldman, need i say more. Very small cameo of Crispin Glover in a Arkham Asylum cell as The Joker:
Through his comic book appearances, the Joker is portrayed as a master criminal whose characterization has varied from that of a violent psychopath to a goofy trickster-thief. He is the archenemy of Batman, having been directly responsible for numerous tragedies in Batman's life, including the paralysis of Barbara Gordon, and the death of Jason Todd, the second Robin. In Batman 3 he'll just have a very small role, sort of like 30 seconds to a minute in Arkham Asylum, maybe even set up stuff for Batman 4. Yep, Crispin born for the part of Joker baby, born for the part! LEEE777 - Thanks for reading and thanks to Wikipedia, oh and whatever happens in the next Batman movie, we all know its gonna be good.